"...Let nothing be wasted." John 6:12

The miracle Jesus performed by feeding five thousand people with only a few pieces of bread and some fish, still has many practical life applications today. Below is an explanation of John 6:5-13.

Per the NIV/Life Application Study Bible published by the Zondervan Press:

" Jn 6:8,9- The disciples are contrasted with the youngster who brought what he had.  They certainly had more resources than the boy, but they knew they didn't have enough, so they didn't give anything at all. The boy gave what little he had, and made it all the difference. If we offer nothing to God, he will have nothing to use. But he can take what little we have and turn it into something great."

"Jn 6:13- There is a lesson in the leftovers. God gives in abundance. He takes whatever we can offer him in time, ability, or resources and multiplies its effectiveness beyond our wildest expectation. If you take the first step in making yourself available to God, he will show you how greatly you can be used to advance the work of his kingdom."